In 1989, Dr. Rouse Farnham, a retired soil science professor at the University of Minnesota Twin Cities, donated his personal peat collection, consisting of thousands of books, technical reports, conference proceedings, journal articles, maps, and more, to the Natural Resources Library at the Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth. To promote the collection,…
Category: Blog
Establishing the Territorial Government of Itasca
29th CONGRESS, H. R. 568. 2d SESSION. DECEMBER 23, 1846. Introduced on leave, by Mr. MORGAN L. MARTIN, read twice, and referred to the Commitee on Territories. JANUARY 20, 1847. Mr. DOUGLASS, from the Committee on Territories, reported the following amendatory bill; which was read, and committed to the Committee of the Whole House on…
Regions of Itasca and Wabasha in the State of Minnesota
by John H. Sandy Map of Itasca and Wabasha regions and counties within each region. Broader outline shows boundaries of the state of Minnesota and bordering states and Canada. ITASCA L’Étoile du Nord Itasca is a geographic region with an economic system based on farming, mining, tourism, and small businesses. Prairies, forests, lakes, and…

Life of Chippewa (Ojibwe) Indians Along the Long Prairie River
Life of Chippewa (Ojibwe) Indians in the Wilderness Along the Long Prairie River A Story of Fiction The sun was setting over the Long Prairie River, casting a golden glow on the water and the trees. A group of Indians from the Ojibwe tribe paddled their canoes along the river, heading towards their winter camp….

Journey of Winnebago Indians to Long Prairie Reservation in 1848
The nineteenth century was a time of great turmoil for many Indian tribes in the United States. The Winnebago Indians were no exception. In 1846, the U.S. government decided to remove the Winnebago Indians from their reservation in northeastern Iowa. A treaty was reached to move the tribe north some 300 miles to an area…

Carbon Dioxide and its Impact on the Atmosphere and Oceans
RRINR blog A general report (NOAA) on Climate Change and Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide, by Rebecca Lindsey. Snippet: “Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas: a gas that absorbs and radiates heat. Warmed by sunlight, Earth’s land and ocean surfaces continuously radiate thermal infrared energy (heat). Unlike oxygen or nitrogen (which make up most of our atmosphere),…
Woodlots and Small Forests
RRINR blog Millions of acres of forests are owned by small landowners. Several books provide excellent guidance for managing small woodlands. • Beattie, Mollie; Thompson, Charles; and Levine, Lynn. Working with Your Woodland: A Landowner’s Guide. Hanover, N.H.: University of New England Press, 1993. 279 p. $19.95 Contains valuable information applicable to any area of…
John Sandy, Long Prairie
John Sandy JOHN SANDY: A BRIEF RESUME LIBRARY POSITIONS 1994-2017: Head, Rodgers Library for Science and Engineering, The University of Alabama. 1991-1994: Library Director, Montana Tech. 1984-1991: Head, Natural Resources Library, Natural Resources Research Institute, University of Minnesota Duluth. 1979-1984: Head Librarian, Physics-Mathematics-Astronomy Library, University of Texas at Austin. 1976-1979: Assistant Librarian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln….

Ecoregions of the United States (EPA)
RRINR blog Finding information about the correct names of ecoregions of the United States is not always as easy as one might think. Primary and secondary sources often use names that are different from official names. For example, one writer may use the term hardwoods, while another refers to hardwood forests. The single letter “S”…

E.O. (Edward O.) Wilson Biologist and Naturalist
RRINR articles E.O. Wilson holds in his hand little creatures that he has conducted research on over a lifetime from his base at Harvard. Photo courtesy AP (Associated Press). CITATION Sandy, John H. “Profiles in Science for Science Librarians: Edward O. Wilson.” Science & Technology Libraries 30, no. 2 (2011): 109-131. ABSTRACT Edward O….